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This Mission is Possible !!
Click Here to
Get Your Free E-book
Signup for one of the programs in
Step 1 and you will be given free access to our Free E-books website. Follow each step precisely and you will be on your way to thousands of hits.
Before starting Step 1 of this training course you should have signup for
your Free
PayPal, StormPay, Hotmail, Yahoo mail accounts.
This is essential to finishing this course.
PayPal and StormPay will be used to receive payments for your new business.
Hotmail & Yahoo mail accounts will be used for contact information and
junk mail.
Click each link below to signup
These companies listed below will advertise your website's for Free.
These advertisers are "Start page" click exchanges
You must put their URL / Address into your browser and make it your start (home) page. Every time you click your home button you will see a new advertisement.
You can also login to the Click Exchange and auto surf and
earn page views to your website. The more you click your home button the more your site is seen by
other's on the internet. Later I will show you how to advertise your site 24hrs. / 7 days a week. Now signup
for every Free advertiser listed
in the table below.
Instruction and hints to help you are below.
During the signup period use only short usernames and passwords.
Write down the Start Page address they assign to you or copy
and paste them to a Wordpad
Example URL/Address Also write down your Refer ID
This is very important we will use this in a later step.
Sometimes the Click exchange will use member
or join
instead of ref
in the address. For you to get
credit for a new signup you must use this address.
Send all confirmations emails to your
You will have to click a link within the email to
confirm. You won't be able to login to your account
until this is done. So keep checking your email's for
this confirmation.
Once you confirm, make sure you login into your account
with each click start exchange and copy and
paste your ebizrotator address into the sites rotation
section (you may have to look hard on some of these
site for this section). Before leaving the site make sure
you activate the rotator (in otherwords make sure it
is not in a paused state). Also before leaving copy and
paste your Start Page and Referral addresses into a
wordpad .txt file.
a. To set your browsers homepage (Ie5 or above) 1-Click Tools 2-Click Internet options 3-In the address line enter URL of the Click Exchange Advertiser 4-Click Apply 5-Click OK 6-Now Click your home button to test Exchange advertisers URL 7-Finished
Now Signup
here for 2nd Free Rotator
This Rotator has no advertising when it displays your site.
You can decide what one to use. You will be able to
capture email address with
your ebizrotator but not having advertising on your Ad's
are a big plus also.
That is why you
need Crazy Browser. If you use crazy browser you are one step
ahead of the game (see step 5). Two, three, or ever more
rotators work great
with this unique browser.
Now each time you click your home button you will get your page shown on a different Advertiser. See note below to set homepage.
Now login to your ebizrotator and assign your pageswirl
address to slot 5
a. To set your browsers homepage (Ie5 or above) 1-Click Tools 2-Click Internet options 3-In the address line enter URL of the Click Exchange Advertiser 4-Click Apply 5-Click OK 6-Now Click your home button to test Exchange advertisers URL 7-Finished
We continually add other click services. Please come back for further updates.