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Get Your Free E-book
If you have the desire to be a
online success, this website will put you well on your way. Most all the
advertising on this site is free. Most of the businesses that you might
choose to promote on this site is are very low cost businesses. The Free
E-book will also teach you how to Advertise online. Without knowing where or
how to advertise online you will never have success online. Another
technique you should avoid is what they call guaranteed traffic. There are a
lot of sites on line that will guarantee you, for example, ten thousand
visitors for a hundred dollars. All you have to do is give them money and
they guarantee to send you all these visitors. Well all of them actually do
send ten thousand visitors. The problem is: these people are not looking for
your products and in turn very
people ever buy anything.
Search Engines are great but getting listed is not so easy. It may take months for you to get the word out and even then there is no guarantees you will get listed in a high position.
thing you will need is to Get A Rotator.
Click on Free Rotator link below & Signup Write down the address they assign to
you or copy and paste it into a wordpad
document (in .txt extension format).
Now the first half of the secret code
is to email me your ebizrotator address Click
here to send ebiz address
or you may wait until step 4.
Enter your business URl address into slots
1 and
3 &
If you have not signed
up for a business yet enter
the pageswirl address above into slot 1, 3 & 5
You will soon see
where I am going with with this.
If after step 8 you still don't understand send me
a email.
Congratulations! You should be well on your way to earning money
online soon.
No one said it was going to be easy so hang in there. You will become a Guru
soon. Remember "Those at the top of the mountain didn't fall there".