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Craigslist & Backpage Update!

Craigslist and backpage have implemented an ip marker with their systems. This means if
you place more than 4 ads on in their classified network using the same ip address, they will
block your ads from being posted and also prevent you from placing further ads.
There are ways to get around this system, it involves switching your ip address. This may sound complicated, but it is not.

If you do not want to go through the trouble of switching your ip address, that is fine. Just
only place a maximum of 4 ads a day on craigslist and backpage. To switch your ip address is pretty simple for the most part. Often times you only have to disconnect your internet connection then reconnect it any you will have a different ip address. To check to see if this will work for you, simply check your ip address now, then disconnect your internet connection and wait 30 seconds and then reconnect your internet connection. Then check your ip address again. If you do not know how to check your ip address, just simply go to
http://whatismyipaddress.com/ and you can will see your ip address.

Now if the above doesn't work, you would have to call your internet provider and ask them
for a new ip address.

Notice: If your ads are already being blocked on craigslist and backpage, then you need to
take the above actions to switch your ip address before trying to place any more ads. Once
you have switched your ip address, then you will want to create a completely new account
with craigslist and backpage using a different email address so your old account and your
new account have no connections.Craigslist and backpage are constantly changing every day, and sometimes it is hard to keep up with them. One of the best ways to keep up with craigslist and back page is to simply look online. Just type in the following on google and you should find a bunch of tips.

Do google searches on the following for help with craigslist and backpage:
"tips for posting on craigslist"
"tricks for posting on craigslist"
"problems posting on craigslist"
Again, doing these types of searches are the best ways to keep updated with the changes
that both craigslist and backpage are constantly making to their classified sites.



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